Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Sunshine through the Window

I would love to share with you the spectacular teas I have tasted recently
and the adventures into the out of doors,
but for today what is touching my heart is the sunshine through the window,
the orchid that started blooming while I was in the hospital,
and Joey by my side savoring the sunshine.
It is the little things in life when noticed that bring a smile to our faces.
Oh and just finally feeling so much better.
Whew!  That was a rough week.
It felt good just to pick up the camera this morning.
Have a good day and sip tea and keep warm.


Lorrie said...

So glad you're on the mend. Just enjoying the little things like sunshine, a cup of tea and a warm companion are wonderful "delights of the heart." Wishing you continued healing.

Rosemary said...

The healing power of the sun shines thru in your post! So glad to hear you're feeling better!

Laura Morrigan said...

So glad you are feeling better, it is nice that your cat is being so faithful and trying to make you feel better too!

Bernideen said...

Lovely orchid and glad to hear you are on the mend! Extra sunshine does help too! Take care!

Jeanie said...

Marilyn, you are so right about the little things. To appreciate the sunshine while you heal is indeed a gift. And Joey is an even better gift -- how I love this photo of your sweet boy!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Sunlight, flowers and a faithful companion are all things to soothe the soul - perhaps a little soft music as well!
Glad you're coming along Marilyn, I always like your photo of the day from the garden.

Tracy said...

So glad your are feeling better and enjoying time home again with Joey, flowers, tea and other delights. Sometimes we resist down time, especially when it is enforced in some way. Such time can be a blessing... looks like your discovering just that! :o) Be feeling well again soon, my friend ((LOVE & HUGS)) P.S. the quilt pic I shared is of a small--24"x24" Amish-inspired quilt--black with lots of rich jewel tones. :o)

Sylvia said...

Yes, it is good to rest and enjoy the little things in life that we are blessed with. Glad you are doing better. Have a good day, Marilyn

Angela McRae said...

When things so easily go off-kilter in our lives, I think it reminds us to be grateful for the gift of an ordinary day!